PIT refund procedure

    Talking about personal income tax refund, most individuals either do not understand the law or are afraid because they think that administrative procedures are cumbersome, so they are afraid to refund PIT.

    Therefore, in order to save time and costs, VI-STAR Company will support and advise you to complete the PIT refund procedures in the best way.

    So when will you get your PIT refund?

    1. When the tax amount you pay is greater than the tax payable in the tax period.
    2. You have paid PIT but have taxable income that is not yet taxable.

    Documents to provide when you want to refund personal income tax:

    • You need to provide proof of tax withholding to us.
    • Income certificate (can be a photocopy) 
    • Number of people who are exempt from family circumstances (provide full temporary residence and residence papers)
    • Transaction account number receiving money 
    • Pay the agreed amount before proceedin

    Cases eligible for PIT refund

    Tax code:
    Personal income tax refund applies to individuals who have registered and have a tax identification number at the time of submission of tax finalization documents..

    Authorizing individual:
    In case the individual has authorized the finalization for the income paying organization or individual, the finalization shall be performed instead of the individual’s tax refund which is done through the income paying organization or individual.

    Direct individuals:
    Individuals who finalize with the tax authorities if there is an overpaid tax amount, they will be refunded or offset against the payable tax amount of the next period..

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