Legal basis: Law on entry, exit, transit and residence of foreigners in Vietnam 2014 and Law 51/2019/QH14 amending and supplementing a number of articles of Law on entry, exit and transit, residence of foreigners in Vietnam

    A. Types of visa symbols (Visa for foreigners in Vietnam):

    1. NG1 – issued to members of delegations invited by the General Secretary a Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, President, Chairman of the National Assembly, the Prime Minister.
    2. NG2 – Issued to members of the guest delegation of the Standing Committee of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the Vice President of the State, the Vice Chairman of the National Assembly, the Deputy Prime Minister, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Fatherland Front Vietnam, Chief Justice of the Supreme People’s Court, Chief Procurator of the Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Auditor General; members of guest delegations of the same level of ministers and equivalents, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the City Party Committee, President of the People’s Council, President of the People’s Committee of the province or city directly under the Central Government.
    3. NG3 – Issued to members of diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations of the United Nations, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations and their spouses and children under 18 years of age, maids accompanied by term.
    4. NG4 – Issued to people entering and working with diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations of the United Nations, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations and their spouses and children under NG4 18-year-old traveling together; visitors to members of diplomatic missions, consular offices, representative offices of international organizations of the United Nations, representative offices of intergovernmental organizations.
    5. LV1 – Issued to people entering to work with departments, agencies and units directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam; National Assembly, Government, Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Audit, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, Governmental agencies; Provincial Party Committees, City Party Committees, People’s Councils, People’s Committees of provinces and centrally run cities.
    6. LV2 – Issued to people entering to work with socio-political organizations, social organizations, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
    7. ĐT – Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam.
      • ĐT1 – Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with acontributed capital of VND 100 billion or more or investing in investment-preferred industries and trades, investment incentive areas shall be decided by the Government.
      • ĐT2 – Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with a contributed capital of between VND 50 billion and under VND 100 billion or investing in encouraged industries and trades development investment decided by the Government.
      • ĐT3 – Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital from 03 billion VND to less than 50 billion VND.
      • ĐT4 – Issued to foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with a contributed capital of less than VND 03 billion.
    8. DN1 – Issued to foreigners working with other enterprises and organizations with legal status in accordance with Vietnamese law.
    9. DN2 – Issued to foreigners to offer services, establish commercial presence, perform other activities under international treaties to which Vietnam is a contracting party.
    10. NN1 – Issued to people who are heads of representative offices and projects of international organizations and foreign non-governmental organizations in Vietnam.
    11. NN2 – Issued to heads of representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of foreign economic, cultural and other professional organizations in Vietnam.
    12. NN3 – Issued to people entering and working with foreign non-governmental organizations, representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of economic, cultural and other foreign professional organizations in Viet Nam.
    13. DH – Issued to people entering to practice and study.
    14. HN – Issued to people attending conferences and seminars.
    15. PV1 – Issued to reporters and newspapers residing in Vietnam.
    16. PV2 – Issued to reporters and presses for short-term activities in Vietnam.
    17. LD1 – Issued to foreigners working in Vietnam with confirmation that they are not eligible for a work permit, unless an international treaty to which Vietnam is a member states otherwise DL – Issued to people entering for tourism.
    18. LD2 – granted to foreigners working in Vietnam are subject to a permit employees work.
    19. DL – Issued to people entering tourism.
    20. TT – Issued to foreigners who are spouses, children under 18 years of age of foreigners who are granted visas with symbols LV1, LV2, LS, DT1, DT2, DT3, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LD1, LD2 or foreigners are fathers, mothers, wives, husbands and children of Vietnamese citizens.
    21. VR – Issued to people visiting relatives or for other purposes.
    22. SQ – Issued to the cases specified in Clause 3, Article 17 of this Law:
      • Persons who have a working relationship with a competent Vietnamese visa-issuing agency abroad and their spouses, children or persons with a written request from the competent agency of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the host country;
      • Persons with guarantee notes of diplomatic missions, consular offices of countries located in host countries.
    23. EV – Electronic Visa.

    B. Visa duration

    – SQ, EV visas are valid for no more than 30 days.        

    – HN, DL visas are valid for no more than 03 months.        

    – VR visa is valid for no more than 06 months.        

    – Visas with symbols NG1, NG2, NG3, NG4, LV1, LV2, DT4, DN1, DN2, NN1, NN2, NN3, DH, PV1, PV2 and TT are valid for no more than 12 months.        

    – LD1 and LD2 visas are valid for no more than 02 years.        

    – Visa with symbol DT3 is valid for no more than 03 years        

    – LS, DT1, DT2 visas are valid for no more than 5 years.        

    – Visa expires, is considered for a new visa.        

    – Visa validity is shorter than passport or international travel document by at least 30 days.        

    – If there are other provisions in an international treaty to which Vietnam is a contracting party, the duration of the visa shall be according to the treaty.        

    C. Profile provided by customers when carrying out visa procedures for foreigners in Vietnam

    – Original passport;        

    – Visa approval letter;        

    – 02 passport photos 4 cm x 6 cm;        

    – Immigration declaration;

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